Learn to train 5 weight loss tip…

People who lose weight must be self-restrained and must also execute, if you keep shouting slogans, it is unlikely that you will become thin.

In the whole process of weight loss, we have to keep learning about weight loss expertise and avoiding incorrect core concepts in order to enhance weight loss efficiency. The following share 5 weight loss diet with tips, so that you consume a lot of calories daily, faster to become thin.


1, pay attention to body fat, do not have to simply look at Hugh weight

Body fat is the important decision thin fat, the pursuit of perfect low weight is likely to make you fall into weight loss misconceptions, such as whole body muscle dissolution, water outflow, this way can not let you really thin.


Everyone obesity is the fat rate exceeds the standard soar, only boys body fat rate reduced to 20% below, girls body fat rate reduced to 24% below, the body shape is considered the norm.


2, to prevent excessive dieting to lose weight, more than the body metabolic value

If your daily calorie intake value is too high and low, it will make the body deep cell phone famine situation, in order to better solve the cell phone famine to maintain survival, the body will actively dissolve the whole body muscle, storage of body fat, resulting in lower body metabolic level, easy to thin body will also occur with.

During the weight loss period, in order to better reduce muscle loss and promote the dissolution of body fat, we must ensure that the daily caloric intake exceeds the metabolic value. The body’s metabolic value generally occupies 65%-70% of the body’s total metabolic value, then, during the weight loss period, we can not reduce the daily caloric intensity of more than 30% is appropriate, for example, your usual daily caloric intake of 2500 calories, the weight loss period can be maintained in the middle of 1900-200 calories.

3, actively drink water, fill in the time range

Drink enough 2-3L of water daily to double the actual effect of weight loss! Adequate water intake can improve the body’s blood circulation system to promote the discharge of waste products, but also alleviate the occurrence of hunger pangs, reasonably promote energy consumption, and thus improve the efficiency of fat loss.

The actual way to drink water: drink more water before meals, drink less water one hour after meals, 10:00 in the morning, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00 also need to drink a glass of 250ml of warm water.

4, eat more food that is conducive to scraping fat, balanced intake of nutrition

Avoid fattening food, especially fried and high sugar ingredients, will make you inadvertently calorie burst, body fat. We need to learn to eat more satiating, low-fat natural foods, such as a variety of high-fiber foods, low-sugar fresh fruits (iPhone, brown strawberry seedlings, oranges, grapefruit, eastern melon, lettuce, watercress, cabbage, tomatoes, loofah, etc.), can promote intestinal peristalsis, improve severe constipation.

Eating less meticulous meals and replacing part of the white rice and fresh noodle bun with mixed grains can ease the body index and increase the hunger time. In addition, in order to better fill the body with carbohydrate raw materials, we can moderately fill a variety of low-calorie meat food, dairy products and egg food ingredients, only must maintain low salt and oil cooking, you can manipulate the calorie intake, along with a balanced diet, to maintain the body’s metabolic circulatory system drive.

5, regular eating three meals, do not have to bypass all a meal

Do not think that eating one less meal can reduce calorie intake, three meals irregularity is very easy to make your appetite soar, but very easy to happen overeating and binge drinking conditions.

And three meals regularity for health benefits, reduce the occurrence of gastrointestinal disorders, reasonable manipulation of appetite, help the body maintain a high metabolic level of operation. Breakfast eat well, avoid fried fries, cold noodles and other high-fat food, dinner eat less, to vegetables and fruits as the main less eat meals, 4 hours before bedtime do not have to eat, that can enhance the rate of weight loss through.